
Writing is my passion. Unfortunately, the perfectionism in me will not let me get past a chapter or two. The story is great in my head but on paper I question the logic to the point that the magic gets lost so I trash it and start over. In order to get my feet on the ground, I am combining my talent at writing theses and my annoying habit of giving my opinion on everything into this blog.

Because this is a sharing experience, there may be posts that have personal stories or background, if that is not to your taste, no problem, just skip over them. There will be a diversity of subjects so it is my hope that at some time, you will find a post or posts that entertain or interest you. Please note that some subject matter may contain sexual references due to the nature of the post, however, every effort will be made to present it tastefully. I am a survivor of domestic violence and childhood sexual abuse and as such I feel it is my duty to offer my strength, hope and experience to those who may benefit. I am also the child of an alcoholic and know what it is like to live in that minefield. Please be advised that those with PTSD may risk triggering an episode by reading some of the material, so please be responsible and use your best judgement prior to reading such posts.

 Whatever experience you take from this site, thanks for reaching out. Please don’t hesitate to leave comments giving your opinion…after all, we all have them.

Please note:  I am not representing myself as an authority on any subject so feel free to take what you like and leave the rest.

36 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Here again !! My Award Post . | ametalk

  2. Pingback: Blessing 20: More Awards | I care, U care

  3. Pingback: The Sunshine Award? . . . For me? | CJ Andrews

    1. I once got about 1/2 way through and my computer crashed. Back up, Back up, Back up! I have been enjoying my blogging so much that I got off track with my other writing. At least I am getting in my 1 hour a day as suggested. Good idea about not trashing the drafts.😏


      1. That’s one of my fears. I have visions of such tragedies. Yea, backup. I wish I would have been quicker backing up my old PC before the world decided it was obsolete.

        I prefer to write on my own than blog, usually. I think more women feel the need to blog because not enough people listen to them, and they need more space to talk like they use closet space for clothes.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I do talk and talk and talk. I started blogging to get my feet on the ground as I said but also to get past the “somebody is going to get mad at me for writing this” syndrome. It can be very stifling.


      3. No one yet because most of my family and friends don’t even read my blog. I have talked a little with my mom about it and she just wanted to make sure her church friends wouldn’t know who she was. lol I don’t do social media so there is very little chance. While I do get a thrill when my numbers creep up slowly, I am not in it for the numbers. No offense meant but it bothers me to go to someones site where there is a ticker. I just un-followed someone because there was a constant dialog about her numbers increasing. Honestly, the most I got out of it was re-posts and referrals. I may be getting too specific here. I don’t want to offend.😟


      4. And, sadly, it’s probably a good thing the family doesn’t read what you post in what seems to be a journal space. All girls/women need a private journal space. But, family might share another more casual space to discuss matters that, for whatever reason, don’t get time on the phone or in person.

        I get that little thrill, too. But, I need to remind myself that the same thrill can drive one mad.

        Yea, if people start talking about their “numbers,” I tend to look the other way, too. I went through all that years ago. I’m pretty much done with it.

        Who’s offending? I’m not offended. What are we talking about? 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I meant that I wouldn’t want to offend the other blogger but then maybe feedback is good. I commented on someones post once and I guess she didn’t appreciate my story about my grandson reveling in puberty. I got a sarcastic comment back and I’m still not sure whether she was serious or just being sarcastic. I apologized and asked her to remove my comment so as not to offend anyone else but she said it wasn’t that big a deal. Really? I now read her posts but do not comment. I continue to read because I think I was out of line and should have the moxie to face up to it. I have to learn to take criticism about my writing.


      6. Ah, the pitfalls of commenting. You take the good; you take the bad…and yada yada. 🙂

        Too many apologies can be bothersome, too. I try not to apologize too often. Yet, crap springs from my fingertips now and then; and it bothers me.

        I don’t really like people who read but don’t comment. Ya never know if they are scoping you out for something or stealing your show. But, I’ve made peace with the notion that some people either–like you–are now afraid to say anything or just don’t have anything to say.

        If you ever feel out of line, own up to it; yes. But, don’t use the sorry machine gun. Try to reach a truce. And, if the other person says they’re fine with something, Idina Menzel. Let it go. Or, contact them privately.


  4. Thanks for noticing my comment on Roughwighting. After writing 2 books that sit in my storeroom, I’ll publish the 3rd in a few months. The writing advice I liked was, “don’t let your inner critic in until you’ve finished the first draft.” The critic then took over for umpteen drafts, but at least I’d finished one.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Patricia,
    I thought I’d just “click” in and take a look.
    Lo and behold, your first two sentences convinced me we’re kindred spirits…”Writing is my passion. Unfortunately, the perfectionism in me will not let me get past a chapter or two.” Funny, I call it OCD in myself, but it has produced the same outcome, which is no outcome.
    Maybe we can challenge each other to finish a full manuscript (rough draft) in 2016. It’s possible!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Writing, as critical as it might be, as funny as it might be. Keep up, I am writing a book too surely working less on it because of the same troubles like you. But I know we can do it, we can make it and in the end we learn from the mistakes we do. Tell me is love a logical thing ? Lets live an illogical life in a logical way (this is so illogical) but I hope you understand.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have been challenged by other women like you to get back to working on a book. I am up to the challenge! I have gotten so caught up in blogging and changing lifestyles that I have been lax. I am determined to start working on book writing an hour a day. Moving from Texas to Colorado is so illogical to our families but it is so totally logical to us. It has given me the freedom to really be who I am without the tiptoeing and drama. I love our families but Danny’s is so addicted to chaos that it tapped into my chaos comfort zone. Pardon the language but shit is warm but it stinks after a while. Here I go, off topic, but my lost point is that I was stilted in my blogging because I was afraid of judgement and hurt feelings.This fear was holding me back from opening up in my writing. The opening up I am doing now is freeing my soul from shame and blame. I hope you understand my logic. Thanks so much for caring enough to challenge me. I know we can both do this and I hope we become blog friends.😏


  7. Pingback: Be Our Guest–In Which Patricia Says You Should Listen to Your Dad and Me (SRSLY). – dearlilyjune

  8. Linda

    So happy to have stumbled across your blog. I write straight from my heart and am drawn to others who write that way, too. Thank you for your honesty and for giving hopes down strength to others. In sharing our stories, we realize that we are never truly alone. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and to following your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Read this blog and thought of you: https://donofalltrades.com/2016/07/06/see-beyond-the-police-for-change/comment-page-1/#comment-38766

    Thank you for helping me to think not just passionately, but compassionately about these issues. I don’t think I was necessarily being fair to the police before, but while I still believe racism is a huge problem in this country, I’m also seeing how difficult it must be to be an officer during these times.

    I hope you’re well, Patricia.

    Liked by 1 person

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